Why a Dental Nightguard Will Help With Bruxism

Treat Teeth Grinding And Clenching

If you suffer from teeth grinding, the dental specialists at the Hutt Dental Hub will likely recommend that you get a custom night guard.

Bruxism is a chronic condition characterised by grinding or clenching of the teeth. Bruxism, in most cases, happens during sleep. A number of serious conditions can result from bruxism, including broken teeth, loss of enamel, receding gums, neck pain, jaw pain, headaches, and more.

To prevent these complications, your dentist can help identify the condition and provide a solution. Many people find relief and successfully treat and manage bruxism using a custom night guard.

How Hutt Dental Hub can support you

The exact cause of bruxism is not completely understood, but it may be due to a combination of physical, psychological and genetic factors. Contributing factors to developing the condition can be a high degree of stress, anxiety, anger, frustration or tension. It is also believed that some lifestyle habits, including smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, may lead to teeth grinding.

When you book an appointment at Hutt Dental Hub, we will check your teeth for signs of bruxism and analyse the degree of damage that has been done. We will then create a treatment plan for you, which starts with a custom made dental night guard to prevent any more serious issues coming up from this habit.

Our specialist will ensure you understand the severe consequences of grinding and offer a simple yet highly effective solution that has worked for several patients.

Make an appointment!Got a Question? Contact Us

Are you ready to get rid of a bad habit?

Get in touch with Hutt Dental Hub, and we can offer you a solution for your bruxism! Our professional and friendly dentists will explain the complications that can arise if you leave your condition untreated and create an effective treatment plan!